Friday, August 29, 2008

Welcome back to Blighty

Politaholic has just returned from the Netherlands where the national cycle network is truly fantastic. Even in a big city such as Rotterdam it is possible to cycle safely. Everyone cycles. Parents carry toddlers on their bicycles. And then...back to blighty. Princes Quay is a shopping mall in Hull, and this is how cycle friendly they are. And the "cycle path" shown must be the shortest in the world - it ends where the blue sign is (all of, oh, twenty feet!!).

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Politaholic on holiday

There will be no blogging for the next few weeks. I am on a cycling holiday in Holland. This is a minor triumph. Some months ago I had a cycling accident and suffered a dislocated shoulder and a "rotating cuff injury" which required an operation and quite a lot of pysiotherapy. I still can't raise my left arm high (I suffer from "reverse Strangelove syndrome": he struggled to keep his down, and I can't get mine up, so to speak), but at least I can ride the bike and I am very thankful for the NHS. So its beer and cycling for the next few weeks.